Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Humanitarian Relief Core Standards

By Wesley Lefevre

Here are some questions you can ask yourself when evaluating an infographic.

Why use an Infographic?
What message doe the infographic communicate? Does it communicate the message effectively? To communicate a message.
Does it present large amounts of information in a compact and easy to understand way?
Does it reveal the data, discover cause-effect relations, and identify relationships among data?
Does it help monitor and show changes or trends in data?
Discussion questions
What is useful about putting information in this format?
Why would this be better than just showing the formulas or using just a bar graph?
What different pieces of information are included on this poster?
What information was included in this poster that allows lay people to understand the content?
Write an abstract about what it is about (two or three sentences that highlights the purpose of the infographic.)
Consider the following for each:
Look at these examples and identify what you like/don't like about each one.
How are colors used differently in each one? Are some colors more powerful than others?
How are objects displayed on each one? Do sizes of the objects matter in showing the intended information?
How could colors, sizes, and kinds of objects be used to mislead people away from the data?
Make notes about what you notice and like/don't like about the infographics. These notes will remind you of what you visually like to see and will serve as a starting point for you.

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