Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Illegal Immigration in the Western Balkans:

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Challenges, Victims, and Global Responses of Undocumented Migrants

Illegal immigration continues to be a pressing issue in the Western Balkans, a region that has become a crucial transit point for migrants seeking refuge or better opportunities in Western Europe. With a sharp increase in migrant numbers in recent years, the challenges faced by these individuals—ranging from violence and exploitation to health risks—underscore the need for more effective identification and protection measures. This article explores the complexities of illegal immigration in the Western Balkans, shedding light on the victims, the role of technology in managing migration, and the critical importance of international cooperation.

Illegal immigration refers to the unauthorized entry, stay, or movement of individuals across national borders, violating the immigration laws of the destination country. In the Western Balkans, this often involves migrants entering or transiting through countries like Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia without proper documentation. These regions serve as a critical transit route for migrants attempting to reach Western Europe. The issue of illegal immigration in the Balkans presents numerous challenges, particularly in terms of victim identification and international cooperation.

Statistical Overview of Migrants in the Western Balkans

In 2022, authorities registered 192,266 migrants in the Western Balkans, a sharp 59.5% increase from the previous year. This surge reflects the region's strategic role as a migration corridor. Migrants often face perilous journeys, with nearly 20% of them reporting experiences of violence, exploitation, or abuse during their transit. Health issues and robbery are also prevalent, with 11.5% reporting health problems and 16.6% experiencing theft. The top countries of origin for these migrants include Syria, Morocco, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Nepal.

The Plight of Victims

Migrants often become victims of violence, exploitation, and abuse along their journey. Nearly 19.8% of migrants reported experiencing these hardships in 2022. Additionally, migrants face significant health challenges and are frequently targeted for robbery. The dangerous conditions along the route, coupled with poor access to healthcare and basic services, further exacerbate their vulnerability.

Risks and Deaths at Borders

Migrants face considerable risks as they traverse the Western Balkans. Gun battles, fatal car crashes, and violent confrontations have been reported along the route. Tragically, many migrants die without a trace, often ending up in unmarked graves. These deaths highlight the urgent need for more effective identification and protection measures.

Missing Persons and the Global Response

Since 2019, the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) has resolved 387 missing persons cases in the Western Balkans. To enhance transparency and cooperation, a Regional Database of missing persons has been launched, providing vital data to aid in the identification of missing migrants and help their families find closure.

Physical and Digital Evidence of Victims of Migration

Physical evidence of victims of migration in the Western Balkans includes abandoned belongings, makeshift camps, and traces left behind at border crossings. Digital evidence plays an increasingly important role in tracking and managing migration flows. Data from surveillance systems, biometric records, and mobile phone tracking help authorities identify and monitor migrant movements.

Methods of Identification

Western Balkan countries employ various methods to identify migrants and victims of illegal immigration. These include biometric data collection, mobile phone tracking, and cooperation with international organizations. Enhanced border controls and surveillance technologies further aid in monitoring migration flows and improving the accuracy of identification efforts.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Identifying Victims

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a valuable tool in managing migration and asylum processes. AI-powered biometric matching engines are increasingly used to identify migrants and track their movements. These technologies help streamline the identification process and enhance surveillance. However, the growing use of AI in this context raises concerns about privacy and human rights, particularly when personal data is collected without migrants' consent.

Global and Regional Cooperation

International cooperation is crucial in addressing illegal immigration. Agreements like the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration outline migrants' rights and provide a framework for countries to collaborate on border management, asylum processing, and protection measures. In the Western Balkans, governments work closely with the European Union (EU) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to tackle the challenges posed by illegal immigration, focusing on enhancing border security, combating illegal employment, and improving information sharing.


Illegal immigration in the Western Balkans is a complex issue involving numerous challenges related to victim identification, security, and human rights. AI and other technological advancements offer solutions, but they must be implemented with care to avoid infringing on migrants' privacy and dignity. Moreover, global cooperation remains essential to address the root causes of migration and protect vulnerable populations. The Western Balkans' role as a key migration route underscores the importance of sustained efforts to manage and respond to this ongoing humanitarian crisis.


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